The iTEP Academic catalog is here to provide English teachers with secure and accurate exams to make sure that students can reach their full potential.
We will help you choose the iTEP test most appropriate for your needs and ensure you are prepared as you decide to make the switch from other tests or start testing for the first time. Once you start using iTEP, options for sample testing and pilot projects will become available. Please contact us to get started.
The test will determine an overall proficiency level from 0 (Beginner) to 6 (Mastery), as well as individual proficiency levels from 0 to 6 for each of the skills and sub-skills tested. The overall scores average the results of the skill sections, and for greater accuracy, they are expressed to one decimal point.
iTEP International is a leader in English language assessment and testing with a presence in 60+ countries and hundreds of corporations worldwide.
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