Setting your Scores

While there is a range of iTEP scores used by various institutions for undergraduate admissions, iTEP generally recommends an overall score of 3.6 for iTEP Academic Plus. If programs adopt a score above 3.6, iTEP does not recommend cut scores for individual skill areas. If scores below 3.6 are adopted, iTEP recommends cut scores for each of the individual skills at 3.0 or 3.5.

Set a baseline

The iTEP Equivalency charts are created based on data received from partner institutions and analysis of scores attributed to CEFR aligned curriculum. The equivalency charts are meant to serve as one of many tools in the setting of cut-scores. 

Pilot Project

iTEP International works with institutions to conduct pilot testing of iTEP Academic-Plus for the purpose of setting cut-scores. Institutions are able to compare scores with an established evaluation and assessment of students’ language proficiency.

Pilot testing allows institutions to gauge the effectiveness of iTEP compared to other methods of proficiency assessment. Contact us to begin a pilot program.

Examine CEFR

While CEFR breaks down its proficiency scale descriptors into six levels, the authors of the framework also point out that an appreciable range of proficiency can exist within one scale level. In this way, institutions can decide on which side (high or low) of a particular scale they would like to favor.

To learn more about iTEP and CEFR click below

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